110SYS - Trash Room Operator System
The 110SYS Trash Room Operator System is compliant with the New York City Construction Codes that overviews buildings with refuse and recyclable storage rooms. This applies to accessible refuse rooms, accessible recyclable storage rooms, and common-use refuse recyclable storage rooms. The 110SYS Trash Room Operator System can be used in situations where the NYC building code mandates that trash rooms in newly constructed and renovated high-rise residential buildings be equipped with automated doors to make them fully accessible to disabled persons. It also has the ability to open the trash rooms using a push plate switch control (F106-E24) and remains open until the space is vacated and closes and re-latches automatically. The design requirements and design options are in compliance with the NYC Building Code BC Section 1107.3 and ICC A117.1 Sections 304 (Turning Doorways), Section 305 (Clear Floor Space), and Section 404 (Doors and Driveways).
Doors equipped with low energy operators can opened manually or through the use of a "knowing act" device (i.e., push button, wall switch, or hands free device). Per the ADA (American's with Disabiliies Act), low energy door operators can provide greater accessibility for openings used by mobility-challenged individuals.

Buildings with refuse and recyclable storage
rooms such as Schools, Universities and
Colleges, Educational Institutions, etc.

Meets ADA-American With
Disability Act.

New York City Building Codes
BC Section 1213, 1107.3